C-TEC Addressable Isolating Base

The Isolating Base senses and detects short-circuit faults on the addressable loops and spurs. Designed to sense and isolate short-circuits on Context Plus addressable loops, the Context Plus Negative Switching Isolating base can be used in place of standard bases. Under normal operating conditions the isolating circuit provides a low resistance of 0.2 ohm in either direction. If the loop voltage falls to 14±0.4V the isolator will switch from the closed state to the open state in order to isolate the loop ‘in’ and ‘out’ lines. The isolated section is tested every four seconds and is automatically re- connected when the load resistance is 175 or greater. Up to 20 detectors or the equivalent load may be connected between two isolating circuits. Interfaces and sounders are counted as one detector for every milliampere of switch-on surge current. A Yellow LED illuminates if a short-circuit is detected either side of the isolator. When the short-circuit is removed, the power will automatically be restored.